Meno tohto blogu je podľa jednej rozsievky. Keď som tento výraz videla napísaný prvý krát páčil sa mi, ale keď som zistila o čo ide a aké problémy spôsobuje..
Didymosphenia geminata, bežne známy ako DIDYMO alebo skalný hlien, je druh rozsievok, ktorý rastie v teplých a plytkých vodách. Ak sa rozrastie, môže tvoriť veľké rohože na dne jazier, riek a potokov. To nie je považované za významné nebezpečenstvo pre ľudské zdravie, ale môže ovplyvniť prostredie, tok zdrojov potravy pre ryby a tým znepríjemniť rekreačné aktivity. To je považované za obťažujúce a invazívne druhy organizmov. Mikroskopická riasa sa môže šíriť v jednej kvapke vody.
Didymosphenia Gemini je rozsievka, čo je druh jednobunkových rias jedinečné svojou stavbou oxidu kremičitého (SiO2) bunkovej steny.
Informácia o Didymo bola čerpaná z wikipedie, tu je originálny text:
Didymosphenia geminata, commonly known as didymo or rock snot, is a species of diatom that grows in warm and shallow water. If it overgrows, it can form large mats on the bottom of lakes, rivers and streams. It is not considered a significant human health risk, but it can affect stream habitats and sources of food for fish and make recreational activities unpleasant. It is considered a nuisance organism or invasive species. The microscopic alga can be spread in a single drop of water.
Didymosphenia geminata is a diatom, which is a type of single-celled algae unique for their silica (SiO2) cell walls. The life history of diatoms includes both vegetative and sexual reproduction, though the sexual stage is not yet documented in this species. Although it is symmetric only along the apical axis, typical of gomphonemoid diatoms, it is a cymbelloid, which are typically symmetric along both primary axes. Cells contain a raphe, which allows them to move on surfaces, and an apical porefield, through which a mucopolysaccharide stalk is secreted.
The stalk can attach to rocks, plants, or other submerged surfaces. When the diatom cell divides, through vegetative reproduction, the stalk divides too, eventually forming a mass of branching stalks. The nuisance build-up is not the cell itself, but their massive production of extracellular stalks. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that form the stalks are made primarily of polysaccharides and protein, forming complex, multi-layered structures that are resistant to degradation.
The native distribution of D. geminata is the cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, including the rivers of northern forests and alpine regions of Europe, Asia and parts of North America. Until its recent discovery in New Zealand, where it was introduced, it was never previously found in the Southern Hemisphere. The distribution of didymo in the last two decades appears to be gradually expanding outside its native range. Even within its native range, there have been reports of excessive growths in areas where it previously existed only in low concentrations.
The following methods have been recommended to prevent the spread of didymo in New Zealand:
Check: Before leaving the river, remove all obvious clumps of algae and look for hidden clumps. Leave them at the site. If you find clumps later don’t wash them down the drain, treat them with the approved methods below, dry them and soak them in bleach for at least 4 hours.
Clean: Soak and scrub all items for at least one minute in either hot (60°C) water, a 2% solution of household bleach, antiseptic hand cleaner, or dishwashing detergent.
Dry: If cleaning is not practical (e.g. livestock, pets), after the item is completely dry wait an additional 48 hours before contact or use in any other waterway.
New Zealand and the U.S. states of Alaska, Maryland and Vermont have banned anglers from wearing felt-soled boots. Orvis, a leading U.S. manufacturer of fly-fishing equipment, has started selling more rubber-soled boots than felt-soled.